Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bush Power

well as you may all know Bush is not only our president but he is also has power in a lot of thinks for instance he as you may know he has the power to bring the troops back home,spying on our conversation in the phones and our record or the things we buy at stores or even renting in the public library. he could just tell the agencies that are doing that but now and since we don't know if he became a good president or not but we all know that the congress also gave that power for him to do what he is doing right now. i dont know if you know this or not but i think he is responsible for the borders that they are building and its becoming bigger and bigger the thing though i think he is also responsible for that because it for our safety from terrorist as you may say.. so in other words bush has powers to do what he is capable of doing because he can do whatever he wants the congress has to agree on it.


ANA CARPIO said...

I agree. Bush does have the power to change the fact that all these terrorists are attacking us but he dosen't seem to do much about it. I think personally Bush has to be pushed into doing things but even if he told others to help in this situation that isn't going to do much if their not willing to make any effort.

Reif Mejicanos said...

Yeah i agree the president has a lot of powers and he has to do several decisions that are controversial. He could decide to bring the troops back home but if he does that then the terrorist might attack us again. This would be a bad thing because more people would die because of attacks. It would also show the terrorist that we are quitters and that we gave up and they might see us weak and they might attack us again. I agree with you that he also has the power to tap our phones and in my opinion this is a good thing because we are preventing more attacks. If we prevent more attacks than less people will die and it will show our intelligence to the terrorists.