Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bush Power

well as you may all know Bush is not only our president but he is also has power in a lot of thinks for instance he as you may know he has the power to bring the troops back home,spying on our conversation in the phones and our record or the things we buy at stores or even renting in the public library. he could just tell the agencies that are doing that but now and since we don't know if he became a good president or not but we all know that the congress also gave that power for him to do what he is doing right now. i dont know if you know this or not but i think he is responsible for the borders that they are building and its becoming bigger and bigger the thing though i think he is also responsible for that because it for our safety from terrorist as you may say.. so in other words bush has powers to do what he is capable of doing because he can do whatever he wants the congress has to agree on it.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Well in this cartoon i see that is very interesting because the way i think is that in this picture i believe that America is spending a lot of money to elections and campaigns dont forget about the advertising such as spending a lot of money in commercial and television. so i think that i look at this as we dont spend it in education or college that students need. tuition is another thing because there are alot of things that are occuring in this country so yeah and talking about that i guess
in America we are going in debt... so yeah this cartoon is very interesting maybe you have different opinion about this but this what i believe that they are cutting down money for education and spending more on other important thins that they care about..
speaking of the bank is almost the same thing because we are going in debt and owing a lot of money that maybe in the future seniors wont have money that they supposed to have.....

Friday, April 4, 2008

Campaign Finance Cases weighed

Well in this article this talks about vermont limit debates about the supreme court and were talking and arguing how about how much the state candidates they could raise and spend and this arguments was verY interesting because they were talking the issue of why they needed to be spend or how they se the money in getting stuff or campaigning and spending a lot of money on advertisement for example putting posters,commercial and billboards his are basically being spend and believe or not in his year election a lot of money is being spend just in campaign. they could of use that money in other important issue like for instance health car or education. Vermont spending caps range from 2,500 for state house candidates to 3,000 or gubernatorial candidates. and also there was this guy name Bopp that argue and he said "We are talking about the speech that is at the core of the First Amendment. this were one of his argument in the supreme court in Vermont. so this article was very interesting