Friday, March 28, 2008

Black Voting Condition

Well i dont know if you heard but umm i read an article about that basically that young people dont tae voting seriously and what their plan was is just stop all this crucial and jst do what they think is right. so in otherwords we need to convince people that voting is very important and also the rating fr the young adults is getting much better because of the issue betweem obam or clinton and in this case we will see who will become the represntative of the democratic.and as you know in the past that in the yaer 2000 1 million black vote didnt count in the 2000 presidential election. that is really sad especially the black vote because it was supposed to be equal and right and theyve said that this year could get worse because of all the racial that is going on right now. it also said that half of the rejected ballots were cast by African Americans although black voters make up only 12 percent of the electorate. now people are talking about this issue in this election because they feel really horrified because this country supposed to be democratic with respect and equality for everyone and that is really sad that racial has not stopped since the latest times. but however hopefully in this voting election everyone gets counted and be peacefully and as well happy.
hopefully in this election one of them two will be representing the democratic value.

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