Monday, February 25, 2008

Clinton Camp splits on messaage! (LA Times)

i dont know if you know about this but Clinton has been loosing by Barack Obama so now she wants to revive her campaign because she basically lost about 10 times. so now as clinton wants to make her speak wisely and hopefully convince the people to vote on her and hopefully win on the election. the Clinton campaign no seems in peril. before january's caucuses in Iowa, Clinton succeeded in convincing people that she was prepare and being tough enough to become president. aslo everybody knew that she was qualified and most experienced and stronger than obama. Clinton has started using new phrase. she is basically in the solution business. hopefully Clinton starts realizing that it wont be easy against Obama but if she wins Texas and Ohio!The thing about this is will Clinton be a good president? the good thing in America that we have our democracy! so its the people's choice! and dont forget the sovereignty! "she is a strong leader and someone who shows compassion for people,and both of those are the important fact" that is what some people say and her campaign. this articel is mostly about Clinton's message to the people and showing or convincing people that she knows what she is doing! when she becomes president!! that is if she gets elected but she also has people against her and others that dont agree on her supports!


Anonymous said...

this is an interesting article i actually didn't know that she was losing very badly.
eventhough she has alot of supporters there are many more thta support obama. i think you used sovereignty wrong. sorry but i had to point it out. other than that this is a very informative article. =)

Superman27 said...

Wow..and i thought i knew what was happening in the race.... I really liked the information that you put in your post